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Saturday, January 16, 2016

type of foods for a balanced diet

A balanced diet is getting nutrients of foods and drinks with the proper number of servings for supplying energy and to maintain the body’s cell, organs, and body systems. With balanced diet will give enough energy and nutrients for optimal growth and development. So it is important to attention food intake when you’re dieting. Concerned about nutrition as the type of food that give calorie intake to the body, although it is limited, but your body should not be starved so that you can determine what kind of food according to the group of nutrients to allow you to adjust your diet.
The type of foods that can be subjected to a balanced diet are as follows:

Type of milk
The milk group consists of fat-free or low-fat cheese (1%), milk/fat-free or low-fat buttermilk (1%) and fat-free or law-fat yogurt.
Meat and beans
The balance of your diet can be obtained from a group of meat and beans such as; peas, almonds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, or walnuts. Choice of beans processed foods like tofu can balance your diet. If you choose red meats such as beef or goat meat, choose meat has low-fat. Avoid skin of poultry before you cook it, you can get rid of skin first.
Type of fruits
Fruits contains natural sweetener that nourish your body. You can consume fruits directly or by way of juices such as; apple, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, dates, grapes, mango, melon, pineapple, raisins and others.
Type of vegetables
Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals are needed by your body. Vary the vegetables with different colors such as green vegetables, orange, white, red and purple. You can choose broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, green beans, lettuce, potatoes, radishes, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes, tomatoes. You can get the nutrients of vegetables by making vegetable juice with low sugar.
Type of staple foods
You can not avoid the staple foods, although you are dieting. Because the carbohydrate content of staple foods will produce calories needed by our body. Even if you’re on a diet to lose weight, but if leaving carbohydrates are not option right to balanced diet. If your a staple food are white rice, change it with red rice. Because red rice have a higher fiber content and lower sugar levels. Besides that, you can get good carbs to your diet program of some foods such as; whole grain breads, cereals, grits, and so forth.

Type of oils for balanced diet   
Consume excess oils are not good for the diet. So, for you who will be dieting, are suggested to choose low-fat oils or vegetable oils that can support your balanced diet.
Complete with mineral water
A balanced diet is actually not difficult, just for you who have grown accustomed to your bad habits that need time to adapt. You can enhance your balanced died with mineral water intake of at least 8 glasses a day or about 2 liters per day to help your body in the process of metabolism.
Read also “balanced diet definition

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