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Friday, January 22, 2016

Causes of gestational diabetes, dangers, and how to prevent it

Causes of gestational diabetes, dangers, and how to prevent it.
Causes of gestational diabetes
Basically the specific cause of gestational diabetes is not yet known. It just happens when pregnant women have a placenta that connects food nutrition of pregnant women to the fetus, causing the production of hormones that are too high. Changes in reproductive hormones during pregnancy causes damage to the cell reaction of the body to insulin produced by the pancreas. This is what causes the body undergoes overreaction during pregnancy. This abnormality condition usually occurs when the pregnancy enters the 20th week of age.
The dangers of gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes condition can indeed be controlled so that pregnant women can give birth to a healthy baby. However, pregnant women still have to control blood sugar levels so that the pregnancy can proceed smoothly. If the condition of the blood sugar levels are not controlled, it can cause some dangers below:

  • Obesity in infants. Babies born to pregnant women with gestational diabetes condition can become fatter. This condition causes pregnant women experience difficulties during childbirth. 
  • Premature birth. The condition of premature births may occur because of the alarming condition of pregnant women or infants experiencing certain conditions in the womb.
  • Infants may experience hypoglycemia condition, namely sugar levels that are too low on the baby, the baby's body should soon produce its own insulin.
  • Preeclampsia. Pregnant women who have gestational diabetes also has a vulnerable stage of developing preklamsia or high blood pressure that causes the condition of the fetus and pregnant women experience more dangerous conditions
How to prevent gestational diabetes
All pregnant women who have never had a history of diabetes may develop gestational diabetes condition. Unhealthy habits during pregnancy could be a trigger enormous. However, this condition can indeed be prevented in various ways as below:
  1. Healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. You should choose foods that contain high fiber, and avoid various types of fat overload. Consumption of green vegetables, grains and fruits could be one of preventing diabetes during pregnancy. 
  2. Exercise during pregnancy is also one of the important measures to prevent diabetes. You can choose the type of exercise that is tailored for pregnancy per trimester. 
  3. If you are obese and want to get pregnant, then you should do some effort to lose weight. This action is also important for preventing diabetes during pregnancy.

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Related : Causes of gestational diabetes, dangers, and how to prevent it


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