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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Recognize the symptoms and dangers of allergies in infants or toddlers

Recognize the symptoms and dangers of allergies in infants or toddlers. Allergies that occur in children can disturb all the activities of a child such as disturbing sleep, playtime, and interfere with children receiving lessons in school. In this article will try to give information about the symptoms and dangers of allergies that occur in children that can be seen with the naked eye or with medical assistance.
The ratio of people with food allergies and skin since the year 1997 - 2011 has increased dramatically. Especially allergies of the respiratory tract or acute respiratory infection (ARI). Types of allergies usually appear and expand when the child begins to grow from infancy to early adulthood. Most toddlers who often have skin allergies, but when he was growing up, children who often these allergies usually will often have sneezing. Based on the data, young children usually suffering skin allergies, while the adult children respiratory tract allergies become more dominant.
The occurrence of allergic reactions
Allergy is a response that is too sensitive or not normal from the immune system. People who have allergies is someone who has the immune system that reacts to a substance (allergen) which usually is not dangerous. Trigger allergies such as pollen, mold, animal dander, etc are called allergens. first during an allergic reaction is the person inhaling, ingesting, or exposed to allergens (things that trigger allergies) on the skin or his body. And after someone is exposed to an allergen, a series of protection from the immune system creates an allergic reaction, such as:
The body creates antibodies specific type, called IgE, to bind the allergens.
Antibodies attached to the blood cells that is called mast cells. Mast cells can be found in the gut, respiratory tract, and other places. Presence of mast cells in the respiratory airways and digestive tract makes these areas more susceptible to allergens.
IgE antibodies which tying allergens and attached to selmast will result in selmast release various chemicals into the blood. Histamine, a chemical compound that becomes the main cause of most symptoms of allergic reactions that occur.
So to prevent your toddler avoid from allergies, keep your child from what is the trigger of allergic reactions (allergens) to your child. Also note the allergy symptoms incurred due the presence of allergens around your child. Note also, allergy symptoms can also be the same as the symptoms of asthma (shortness of breath).
Signs and symptoms of allergies in children
If you suspect, what is your child is being affected allergic, recognize the signs of symptoms that usually arise as a result of an allergic reaction: red and watery eyes, itching on his body, runny nose, itchy throat and dry mouth, or some other symptoms. In addition, note also the time when the allergy symptoms. Perhaps allergic rhinitis or hay fever is an allergy that often occurs in the winter or spring.
Examine the skin to know the symptoms of allergies in children
Skin usually becomes part of the very first that showed an allergic reaction. Check the skin of your child, if there are signs of eczema, such as the skin becomes red, dry, there are splotches, hardened, and itching. If the signs as it appears then that means your child is suffering from allergies.

Symptoms of respiratory tract allergies in children
Allergies also can disrupt the respiratory tract system on the sufferer. Pay attention to your child's breathing, if loud sound when your child breathes and rhythm of his breathing short, then immediately take your child to the nearest doctor. besides that signs of allergy sometimes also in the form of a dry cough with phlegm with translucent colors. Note also carefully, whether your child is easy tired when playing than other children, when this happens usually it can also be caused by allergies.
Other symptoms in allergic children
Other symptoms arising from allergies can be very diverse. such disturbance or headache, diarrhea or abdominal cramps. In addition to the other symptoms of allergies such as get tired easily and dizziness. Note also the behavior of your child, if your child becomes more fussy, or difficult to sleep, these things probably are symptoms caused by allergies. Record the symptoms that happen to be reported to a doctor who will check your child. Also note when these symptoms appear, possibly after eating, playing with animals, or so forth.

Some foods that usually cause allergies (allergens):
  • Milk 
  • Egg
  • Fish (Bass, Cod, Flounder)
  • Nuts
  • Shellfish (shrimp, lobster, crab)
  • wheat
  • Almonds, cashews, walnuts, and other nuts
In addition, to avoid the cause or trigger allergies (allergens) in children, you should pay attention to food ingredients before you give to your child. If it contains peanuts, wheat, milk, fish, etc. Consider carefully what could be a trigger allergies in your child.
The danger of allergies in children
Allergy is not a trivial matter and not as simple as that as long as these people think. Allergies can strike was not only the skin, or lungs, but allergies can attack all parts of organs including the brain. If previously we knew was allergic symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, and itching. In fact all the organs of the body has the possibility to be attacked by allergies, ranging from the lungs, urinary tract, heart, and even the central nervous (brain). Apparently a lot of dangers and complications of allergies that can occur in children. So that the symptoms of the allergy will greatly disturb the child's growth and development. Other than that, allergies can also cause disturbances that can occur in children as lack of nutrition (malnutrition), so that the child's height and weight will be below the average of the heights of his age. The dangers of allergies such as malnutrition in children usually occur in children who as young infants 4-6 months, in which the child is introduced to new foods that might be the cause of allergies which results in digestive disorders, such as vomiting, difficulty eating, diarrhea, bloating, etc., so that children become malnourished (malnutrition).
Handling the problem of allergies in children must be done correctly and continuously, administration of drugs continuously is not the best way. The best in overcoming allergies in children is to avoid what triggers allergic reactions (allergens) in children.
See also previous articles “”.

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Related : Recognize the symptoms and dangers of allergies in infants or toddlers


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