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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What is the definition of laryngitis, causes, symptoms and its treatment?

What is the definition of laryngitis, causes, symptoms and its treatment? Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx (voice box lies in the throat). Laryngitis patient will generally experience symptoms, such as sore throat, coughing, fever, difficulty speaking, issued hoarse voice, or even loss of voice at all. In people with children with respiratory tract structures are small, difficult breathing symptoms can even occur. However, this only occurs in a few cases and in adults is rare.

Symptom of laryngitis
Laryngitis symptoms usually recover within a week without treatment. However, symptoms can appear suddenly and continue to worsen for two to three days. The problem is difficult to speak and hoarseness is usually the last symptom to recover than other symptoms of laryngitis. If the patient continues to feel the symptoms until more than 3 weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor. Moreover, if the symptoms get worse, especially cause difficulty breathing, then medical help should be immediately carried out.

Causes of laryngitis
The occurrence of inflammation or swelling of the larynx can be caused by several factors, among others: Damage to the vocal cords because of the acceleration of vibration in the organ that exceeds the limits of endurance, for example as a result of people shouting too loud or singing with a high voice. In addition, damage to the vocal cords can also occur as a result of prolonged cough and trauma when the patient doing physical activity or trauma from accidents. Common viral cause of laryngitis is a viral flu and colds, bacteria from the class of one of them is bacterial diphtheria, and of the type of fungus that one of them is Candida also causes canker disease. Fungal and bacterial infections in cases of laryngitis are actually less common than viral infections. 

Treatment of laryngitis
Actually, most cases of laryngitis can be recovered without the use of drugs within a period of up to one week. The goal of treatment is usually to speed healing and minimize disruptive symptoms, such as pain.
Here are some ways you can do to speed the healing and decrease the severity of symptoms of laryngitis:
  • If you feel symptoms of pain and headaches that interfere with, or even to your cause fever, consume drugs painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. 
  • Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. 
  • Avoid consuming drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. To reduce the strain on your vocal cords that are experiencing inflammation and accelerate the healing process, speak softly or when necessary to speak first. 
  • Avoiding them from exposure to dust. Do not smoke.
If the diagnosis stating that your laryngitis based on certain conditions, the doctor will give advice on the treatment to cure the underlying condition. So, that’s the article about what is the definition of laryngitis, causes, symptoms and its treatment.

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Related : What is the definition of laryngitis, causes, symptoms and its treatment?


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