Someone who is at risk of attacked by type 2 diabetes. Although the symptoms of type 2 diabetes is almost the same as the symptoms of type 1 diabetes, but the cause of a person at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes are very different. Type 2 diabetes occurs because the body is abnormal so that the body is resistant to insulin produced by the pancreas.
Below are some of the high risks that could cause type 2 diabetes:
Below are some of the high risks that could cause type 2 diabetes:
- Obesity. Obesity causes a person at higher risk for type 2 diabetes because the fat tissue growing in the body causes the body's cells can not absorb insulin, so consequently there is a lot of sugar continued to accumulate in the body.
- People who have high fat tissue in the abdomen. This is due to the fatty tissue that appears on the stomach causes the body can not use insulin properly.
- People who lack of exercise. People who rarely exercise have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because the source of sugar in the body is not used for movement and other activities.
- Genetic. People who have a biological family that had a history of type 2 diabetes are also very susceptible to type 2 diabetes.
- someone with more than 45 years old have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
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