Best foods for weight loss diet. Foods is one important thing to consider in losing weight. The following are some types of foods that can help your healthy diet program to lose weight :
Olive oilolive oil is excellent for use as a substitute for butter or frying oil when you cooked. olive oil contain good fats / HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) that are beneficial to give sense of satiety and appetite control. moreover, olive oil is also useful as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that is good for your body.
The milk that are fermented by using yeast will produce a cheese which can help to lose weight. The milk are contained in cheese has linoleic acids content which has been accumulated in large amounts, so it can assist in burning fat. but do not go overboard in eating cheese, because the yeast thatare contained in the cheese can disturb the performance of stomach and can increase stomach acid.
Pear fruit is rich in fiber and water can help provide a sense of fullness in your stomach longer. Pears can be added as a mixture of salads or eaten as a dessert.
Mushrooms can be used as a substitute meat, because in addition to having a soft and chewy texture like meat, mushrooms also have lower calories content.
quinoa is a grains (similar to wheat) that are rich in fiber, so it can reduce your hunger so it can reduce your hunger and very good for cardiac health.
Red peppers
Red peppers is one type of vegetable that has a sweet taste and is one of the best sources of vitamin C. Paprika has a mild thermogenic actions which increases metabolism without increasing heart rate and blood pressure so it's not like chili. Therefore, peppers can support weight loss.
Tomatoes contain oligofructose fibers that can keep or maintain the effects of the hormone cholecystokinin. Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a hormone that has the function to strengthen the stomach sac and intestines so that will make you full faster.
Vinegar that has the scent of sour and acidic, it has a free calorie content. Compound fiber or pectin in apple vinegar will expand in the stomach, causing stomach always feels full or decreased appetite.
Consuming salmon also can reduce your weight. Salmon is a fish species that is much sought by manufacturers of food or multivitamins products. Salmon contain fats that are good for the heart and can shrink your waist and abdomen. Omega-3 fatty acids derived from salmon can improve insulin sensitivity which helps build muscle and lose fat in the abdomen.
Nutrition experts say that yogurt can be used as a perfect diet food because yogurt has carbohydrates, proteins and fats that help suppress hunger by keeping blood glucose stay in normal.
almonds also one of the foods that can give a sense of always full, while keeping your blood glucose levels to remain stable.
Apple is one of the fruits that are rich in fiber, so it can give a sense of satiety, other than that apples also contain antioxidants that can maintain the stability of the body's metabolism.
Black beans
the black beans is the right choice to fight obesity, because it contains an ideal combination of soluble and insoluble fiber, protein, fats, and carbohydrates to burn fats.
cauliflower or cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and low in calories, so it would be very good for the body. Besides also rich in fiber, vegetables are also able to reduce the risk of lung cancer and gastrointestinal cancer.
Cinnamon is a spice that has many benefits. Consume 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon each day, can help control your blood glucose and helps to control insulin after eating to prevent the body from storing fats.
it turns out caffeine is not always bad for the health of the body. Caffeine in coffee can increase the body's metabolism becomes higher, therefore caffeine can also help you to burn fat in the body. The effects of caffeine can endure to about 4 hours and can burn calories up to 30-50 calories per day. the coffee also contains chlorogenic acid, which can help prevent insulin resistance.
Read also “component nutrition of balanced diet” and “why balanced diet is important?”.
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