A balanced diet provides proper nutrition.
Proper nutrition can help prevent a number of health conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity. Understanding the importance of the primary six components of nutrition helps you plan a balanced diet and understand food’s nutrition labels. Speak with your health-care professional for personalized nutritional requirements or if you are concerned about malnourishment.

Protein is required for healthy muscles, skin and hair. In addition, it contributes to normal chemical reactions within your body. Complete sources of protein, primarily meats, contain the nine amino acids essential for human health. If you do not eat meat, combining incomplete proteins -- such as rice and beans -- provides your body with the nine essential amino acids. Average adults need 50 grams of protein daily.
Carbohydrates are necessary to supply your body with glucose, which is its primary source of energy. They are generally divided in two categories: simple carbohydrates, which digest quickly, and complex carbohydrates, which digest slowly. Sources of simple carbohydrates include fruits, sugars and processed grains, such as white rice or flour. You can find complex carbohydrates in green or starchy vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils. MayoClinic.com recommends around 225 grams of carbohydrates daily for healthy adults. Dietary fiber is another form of carbohydrate required for proper digestion. Women need 22 to 28 grams of fiber daily and men need 28 to 34 grams. Dietary fiber bulks your stool and keeps you feeling full for hours after a meal. Legumes, whole grains and berries are good sources of dietary fiber.
Despite the belief that fats are bad for you, they are required for general health. Fats help your body synthesize fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin D. Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Nuts, olives and avocados are sources of monounsaturated fats. Fish and seafood are primary sources of polyunsaturated fats. In addition, vegetable oils, such as canola, contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Certain types of fats are bad for your health, however, such as trans-fat and saturated fat, both of which increase your risk of heart disease. You should limit your intake of saturated fat to 16 grams daily and avoid trans-fats completely. MayoClinic.com recommends at least 44 grams of fat daily for average adults.
Many vitamins are essential for health and thus considered primary components of nutrition. Essential vitamins include vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K and folate. A vitamin deficiency can cause osteoporosis, scurvy, a weakened immune system, premature aging and even certain cancers. Consuming too much of a vitamin can also result in serious toxicity, such as vitamin B-6 or vitamin A. Many fruits and vegetables have high vitamin content, as well as fortified dairy and bread products.
Minerals are vital for proper human health. Essential minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, iodine and chromium. Deficiencies can result in serious health conditions such as brittle bones and poor blood oxygenation. Like vitamins, overdosing on minerals can result in life threatening conditions -- for example, a potassium overdose can cause improper kidney function. Minerals are found in a variety of foods including dairy and meat products.
The human body is composed of 60 percent water and your brain is composed of 70 percent water. Water is necessary to maintain proper bodily function. Most individuals should aim for eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily. It is possible to overdose on water, and in severe cases, a water overdose can be fatal.
Proper nutrition can help prevent a number of health conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and obesity. Understanding the importance of the primary six components of nutrition helps you plan a balanced diet and understand food’s nutrition labels. Speak with your health-care professional for personalized nutritional requirements or if you are concerned about malnourishment.

Protein is required for healthy muscles, skin and hair. In addition, it contributes to normal chemical reactions within your body. Complete sources of protein, primarily meats, contain the nine amino acids essential for human health. If you do not eat meat, combining incomplete proteins -- such as rice and beans -- provides your body with the nine essential amino acids. Average adults need 50 grams of protein daily.
Carbohydrates are necessary to supply your body with glucose, which is its primary source of energy. They are generally divided in two categories: simple carbohydrates, which digest quickly, and complex carbohydrates, which digest slowly. Sources of simple carbohydrates include fruits, sugars and processed grains, such as white rice or flour. You can find complex carbohydrates in green or starchy vegetables, whole grains, beans and lentils. MayoClinic.com recommends around 225 grams of carbohydrates daily for healthy adults. Dietary fiber is another form of carbohydrate required for proper digestion. Women need 22 to 28 grams of fiber daily and men need 28 to 34 grams. Dietary fiber bulks your stool and keeps you feeling full for hours after a meal. Legumes, whole grains and berries are good sources of dietary fiber.
Despite the belief that fats are bad for you, they are required for general health. Fats help your body synthesize fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin D. Healthy fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Nuts, olives and avocados are sources of monounsaturated fats. Fish and seafood are primary sources of polyunsaturated fats. In addition, vegetable oils, such as canola, contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Certain types of fats are bad for your health, however, such as trans-fat and saturated fat, both of which increase your risk of heart disease. You should limit your intake of saturated fat to 16 grams daily and avoid trans-fats completely. MayoClinic.com recommends at least 44 grams of fat daily for average adults.
Many vitamins are essential for health and thus considered primary components of nutrition. Essential vitamins include vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, K and folate. A vitamin deficiency can cause osteoporosis, scurvy, a weakened immune system, premature aging and even certain cancers. Consuming too much of a vitamin can also result in serious toxicity, such as vitamin B-6 or vitamin A. Many fruits and vegetables have high vitamin content, as well as fortified dairy and bread products.
Minerals are vital for proper human health. Essential minerals include calcium, iron, zinc, iodine and chromium. Deficiencies can result in serious health conditions such as brittle bones and poor blood oxygenation. Like vitamins, overdosing on minerals can result in life threatening conditions -- for example, a potassium overdose can cause improper kidney function. Minerals are found in a variety of foods including dairy and meat products.
The human body is composed of 60 percent water and your brain is composed of 70 percent water. Water is necessary to maintain proper bodily function. Most individuals should aim for eight to ten 8-ounce glasses of water daily. It is possible to overdose on water, and in severe cases, a water overdose can be fatal.
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