Types of diabetes, definition, the symptoms and how to treat it. Diabetes is basically a disease which is caused by a buildup of glucose levels in the blood. The body needs glucose or sugar to be a source of energy that is stored in the muscles of the body and all body tissues.
Sugar is also important to the subject of energy for the brain to work optimally. But the condition of diabetes causes the body can not use sugar that enters the body as a function that should be. This is why there continues to be much sugar in the blood and cause serious health problems.
The condition of diabetes are grouped into three categories: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. But the condition of diabetes usually begins with pre-diabetes or diabetes symptoms. This condition is caused due to too high levels of sugar in the blood, but not yet in the stage of diabetes.
Type 1 DiabetesSugar is also important to the subject of energy for the brain to work optimally. But the condition of diabetes causes the body can not use sugar that enters the body as a function that should be. This is why there continues to be much sugar in the blood and cause serious health problems.
The condition of diabetes are grouped into three categories: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. But the condition of diabetes usually begins with pre-diabetes or diabetes symptoms. This condition is caused due to too high levels of sugar in the blood, but not yet in the stage of diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a type of diabetes that requires insulin for a lifetime. This is because the pancreas in the patient's body is unable to produce insulin. Insulin serves to transform sugar into energy in the body. As a result, there are lots of glucose who continue to accumulate in the blood. Condition of type 1 diabetes can occur in children, adolescents and adults.
Type 1 diabetes can not be cured to completion, but the effort to do a treatment tailored to the needs of the body can make people live a normal and healthy life. Read also “the symptoms and causes of type 1 diabetes”.
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes usually occur in adults and elderly people. This type of diabetes is not dependent on insulin. This type of diabetes is caused because the body has other ways of doing metabolism. Type 2 diabetes can occur because the body does not have enough insulin to break down glucose into energy the body. This condition causes the body to become resistant to the insulin produced by the pancreas, or when the pancreas can not produce insulin in sufficient quantities. Perhaps in the patient's body has a lot of production of insulin, but the insulin can not be absorbed by the cells of the body to break down sugar so the glucose levels in the blood is constantly increasing. Symptoms appear in type 2 diabetes is basically almost the same as in type 1 diabetes. See also "someone who is at risk for type 2 diabetes".
Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that arises during pregnancy. Expectant mothers have a special condition when cells in the body can not absorb glucose as an energy source so that sugar / glucose will continue to accumulate in the blood. At a certain level, these conditions will continue to accumulate sugars that can lead to diabetes.
This condition appears as one of the special complications during pregnancy. Diabetic condition is usually can heal itself after childbirth. Just that pregnant women who have had gestational diabetes condition have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Read also “Causes of gestational diabetes, dangers, and how to prevent it”.
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