Cough is very often considered mild health problems reasons why a cough won't go away. Usually by taking cough medicine that will be felt effectively. However, in some people this way is not effective and cough reappeared when not taking the drug. Maybe not everyone can know with certainty what the cause of the cough. Because there are so many conditions or diseases are accompanied by a persistent cough. For that, you must know what the cause of your cough does not go away. The following causes:
1. Causes of Cough due Respiratory Tract Infection
One of the most common symptoms is cough colds, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Chronic cough can last much longer than other symptoms (such as nasal congestion and fever) because of the airways in the lungs remain sensitive and inflamed. This condition is called chronic cough syndrome top. More serious infections is pneumonia, which can be caused by bacteria or viruses.
One of the most common symptoms is cough colds, flu and other respiratory tract infections. Chronic cough can last much longer than other symptoms (such as nasal congestion and fever) because of the airways in the lungs remain sensitive and inflamed. This condition is called chronic cough syndrome top. More serious infections is pneumonia, which can be caused by bacteria or viruses.
2. Air Pollution Causes of Cough
Air pollution is also a major cause of the cough does not go away. In the short term, smoke from the father, for example, can make dry cough or phlegm and irritation in the lungs of children. Not to mention the dust around which joined together inhaled carbon pollution. This makes the cough becomes more severe and difficult to subside. To avoid this, always wear a mask when you go to a place that is exposed to air pollution. Or keep your child from the smokers. Try each weekend, get your child to visit a place that has fresh air to clear your child's lungs are also your own.
3. Allergy and Asthma Incidence Causes Cough
Chronic lung disease or asthma is commonly called in which the airways in the lungs susceptible to inflammation and swelling. When the chest feels tight with a cough and shortness of breath are symptoms characteristic of asthma tend to be intensive in the evening or morning. When asthma symptoms suddenly appear, it is known as an asthma attack.
Chronic lung disease or asthma is commonly called in which the airways in the lungs susceptible to inflammation and swelling. When the chest feels tight with a cough and shortness of breath are symptoms characteristic of asthma tend to be intensive in the evening or morning. When asthma symptoms suddenly appear, it is known as an asthma attack.
4. Suffering TB Disease
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillus very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infects the lungs (90%) compared to other parts of the human body. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are frequent cough, mild fever, weight loss, fatigue, appetite down, a lump in the neck, until sweating at night. If TB disease worsens, there will be cough with mucus and blood. For those of you who have any of these symptoms immediately consult your doctor.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria. This bacterium is a bacterium bacillus very strong so it takes a long time to treat it. These bacteria often infects the lungs (90%) compared to other parts of the human body. The symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis are frequent cough, mild fever, weight loss, fatigue, appetite down, a lump in the neck, until sweating at night. If TB disease worsens, there will be cough with mucus and blood. For those of you who have any of these symptoms immediately consult your doctor.
That some of Reasons Why a Cough Won't Go Away, my advice checks immediately to the doctor and clean the rooms of your home regularly so that no dust and pollution will be inhaled when you are at home. Provide good air ventilation space, so that the air circulation running smoothly. Enough here articles about the causes of the cough does not go away.
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